Develop a better understanding of your comfortable investment risk profile and become a better investor.
Content provided here is intended as Financial Guidance only and is not Financial Advice. Investing carries risk of loss.
Our comprehensive guidance to your personal comfort level for taking investment risk. Our investment risk tool can be completed within ten minutes on a PC, tablet or smartphone.
Our simple calculator provides an easy way to capture your income, spend, assets and liabilities in a digestible format
Your inputs allow us to calculate the appropriate amount of risk to be taking to achieve your goals. This is your 'Risk Capacity'
Answer our risk questionnaire to understand how comfortable you are at taking risk. The results may surprise you.
Answers to some of our most common questions can be found below. Still got questions? Email us here or use our live chat feature.
Investing always requires a degree of risk to be taken. All investors are different and will have differing comfort levels with risk taking. By understanding where you fit in this risk comfort spectrum you can make more informed decisions when deciding what to invest in.
It currently costs £12 to complete the risk profiling exercise. Payments are collected through the secure Stripe gateway. You will receive a PDF summary of your results once you have completed the tool.
It's possible you may already have a view on your risk profile and your results when completing the Risk Science tool may not quite match up. Don't panic. Our tool is intended as a guide only and not a replacement for how well you know yourself. If you still want further help we recommend seeking professional advice.
You will be asked a series of questions on your financial circumstances and your feelings towards risk taking. The tool will then calculate where you sit on the Risk comfort spectrum compared to other investors and you will receive a PDF summary at the end. The whole exercise should take no more than around 10-15 minutes to complete.
Yes, but infrequently. Experiencing major life milestones can sometimes impact how you view the world and therefore impact your tolerance for risk. This isn't a hard and fast rule though, some risk profiles remain constant throughout life.
This service is intended as financial guidance only so we cannot discuss your results with you. If you have questions we recommend you seek professional financial advice.